Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Sociology of Health

The Sociology of Health The socio-medical model of health The socio-medical model of health focuses on the social factors which effect an individual’s health and well-being. They believe each person should be treated in accordance to their own personal circumstance and situation surrounding there illness, rather than be treated as a member of a group suffering from a particular illness, and should be treated the same as each person within that group. The socio-medical model concentrates on social factors contributing to the standards of health.Social inequality and living standards are important influences on the standards of health. The socio-medical model suggests that the wealthy are more likely to have good health and suffer from less illness, and the poor are more likely to have bad health and suffer from more illnesses than the wealthy would. Things which could be factors contributing to ill health within societies with poor living standards, according to the socio-medic al model are; damp or cold houses, lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of education and health awareness etc.The socio-medical model also suggests that the standards of health varies across different cultures, and that what is considered an illness in one society might be not be seen as an illness in another society. For example the contagious skin disease ‘yaws’ was so common in sub-Saharan Africa early this century that it was not considered a disease at all, it was considered normal because most of the population had the disease. The socio-medical model thinks that some societies also treat people with an illness differently from other societies.For example Australia does not allow anyone with HIV into the country, which is seen by most other countries as morally wrong and contrasts with the way people with HIV are treated in the majority of societies around the world. Time is another factor which the socio-medical model believes influences the standards of health. For instance cigarettes were promoted as being positive over 60years ago, whereas today smoking cigarettes is a well-known health threat.Socio-medical treatments for illnesses include looking at an individual’s personal situation, identifying the factors which have contributed to their illness or disorder, and removing these factors in order to correct or resolve the problem. For example a young man who has gone bald, from a socio-medical point of view, would be assessed and factors in his life such as great stress at work would be identified, this stress would be seen as the cause of his premature baldness, and they would try to help the man find a health way to vent his stress – in order to improve his condition.The biomedical model would view this man in a different way, they would concentrate on genetic factors such as premature baldness in his father, and put this forward as the cause in contrast to the socio-medical model. The biomedical model of health The biomedic al model emerged after the industrialisation of the western world. New scientific discoveries and methods were being used to produce a new model of health which used new technologies and tests such as x-rays, biopsies and electroencephalographs in order to monitor people’s health.These tests aim to show ‘biological malfunction or irregularity’ in order to diagnose illnesses, which are then treated using biological methods such as drugs, operations, hospitalisation etc. (Ross Clarke, 2012). According to the biomedical model the individual is not responsible for their illness or condition, and think that illness is caused by; a biological breakdown within the individual (this can be things such as infections, genetic malfunctions, broken bones and so on) or by external factors invading the body – such as virus’s and disease etc.They believe every single illness has ‘one single observable cause’. (Mike Harris, 2008). The biomedical model b elieves that the cause for a certain illness in one person has the same cause of that illness in another person – so all people with that illness should be given the same treatments, no individual cases are usually taken into account. (Ross Clarke, 2012). The biomedical model refers to ‘good health’ as having no illness. If you have ‘bad health’ you are considered to be ill, or to have an illness.Treatment is given with the aim of correcting a malfunction within the body and once this malfunction is corrected, you will be considered to be healthy again. (The Open University, 2012). The biomedical model is the dominant model of health in the modern western world. It treats illness and ‘malfunction’ with the use of medication, operations, radio and chemo therapy, transplants etc. Some socio-medical methods of treatment, however, are used alongside the biomedical model treatments, such as the use of therapy. (Unknown Author, 2012).The diffe rent approaches to mental health and illness Mental health and illness can be defined and viewed in many different ways according to many different factors including; the models of disability, the culture, gender, social class, the time period, religion etc. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). The biomedical, or medical, model of health would describe mental illness in the same way they describe any other illness; that it is caused by one single physical/genetic cause. This could be things such as genes passed down from your parents, a bump or bang to the head etc.They believe that symptoms are caused by a physical problem within the person or in the brain and they group these symptoms together in order to diagnose an illness or syndrome. The medical model uses two classification systems of mental illness in order to diagnose a patient. These two systems are the DSM IV and the ICD-10. The DSM identifies the patient’s symptoms in order to give a diagnosis for their disorder, while the ICD- 10 not only identifies the disorder and relevant symptoms, but it also tries to identify a cause. Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. 1999). The medical model of mental health describes people with mental illnesses as victims of their disorder, they see them as being unable to control their own actions and place no blame on the patient. The medical model uses drugs and therapies in order to treat people with mental illness, these could be things such as antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, mood stabilisers, sectioning, institutionalisation, ECT (Electro compulsive therapy), psychosurgery etc. (Saul McLeod, 2008).The socio-medical model’s approach to mental health is a total contrast to that of the medical model. It believes that many of the treatments used by the biomedical model are inhumane and unnecessary, and that mental illness is a result of social and personal factors surrounding an individual, rather than as a result of a biological cause. The socio-medical mod el would use therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), client-centred therapy, family interventions, self-help groups, social and individual learning skills sessions and vocational training.The therapies used by the socio-medical model aim to give insight into the patients personal problems which could be causing the mental illness, they aim to give the patient unconditional positive regard, boost self-esteem and confidence (which may be low due to the negative perceptions of mental illnesses in most societies) and try to promote an independent life for the patient so that they can live in society safely, whilst still getting the care and treatment they need from community carers etc. (Coppock and Dunn, 2009).They believe the society you live in, your quality of life and your social class has a great influence on an individual’s mental health. They would say that due to the financial stresses and low life quality of the lower classes, this would make them more li kely to suffer from mental illness. They will use the client centred therapy to identify the personal problems in an individual’s life such as marital problems, financial problems, problems in the work place etc. The socio-medical model believes that the medical model stigmatizes patients by treating all patients suffering from a particular mental illness the same.They believe that society has a negative perception of mentally ill people and that they should not be labelled as it is not their fault they are suffering from that condition. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). Besides the different medical models, there are also other approaches to the study of mental health. Sigmund Freud, and others who follow the psychodynamic theory, would say that mental illness is due to an unsuccessful completion of a psychosexual stage or due to a trauma in a person’s childhood, and that bringing their unconscious thoughts to the surface of the conscious mind (using psychotherapy) will eliminat e the problem. Unknown Author B, 2011). Different time periods have also had different approaches to the study of mental illness. Early this century, for example, people suffering from mental illness were seen as being inadequate to the rest of society, a danger to their-selves and others and unable to live ‘normally’ within society. They treated these people inhumanely, carrying out horrendous treatments which often resulted in patients becoming emotionless and ‘zombified’.Before the 1950’s ECT was carried out without the use of anaesthetic, which was very painful and uncomfortable for the patient. Around this time people with mental illnesses were being institutionalised on a regular basis, and by the mid 1950’s there was a total of around 150,000 people across the UK in mental institutions. (BBC, 2010). People were institutionalised for a variety of different reasons, ranging from sufferers of depression, to violent outbursts (mostly among women) and then extreme things such as murder or suicide attempts.These institutions at the time thought they were providing the best form of treatment for their patients, but people in more recent times think that the institutions had an unpleasant ‘prison-like atmosphere’ and that they totally took away people’s rights, freedom, independence, social skills and self-esteem and confidence and that the treatments they used were unnecessary and inhumane. (BBC, 2010).In the late 1950’s – early 1960’s a more humane approach started to be taken to the study of mental health. The start of the NHS in 1948 meant that mental health would now have a more modern and humane view from society, the NHS started to introduce new treatments and therapies in the asylums/institutions such as ‘programmes of activity’ including craft and sewing classes ect, and also introduced an ‘open-door policy’, aiming to give the patients more indep endence and freedom.This new approach recognised that asylums were not necessary for all mentally ill patients and in 1961, a man named Enoch Powell tried to change societies vision of mental ill health and, as the health minister of the time, he vowed to close all mental asylums/institutions and to instead, release patients into society, providing treatment and care for them at home and in the community via community carers. (Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick, 2011). It wasn’t until the 1970’s however that people stopped being admitted into the asylums and still took until the 1980’s for the first asylum to close.By 1990 100,000 patients had been released into society and mental hospitals started to become extinct. This was the start of care in the community for the mentally ill, as we know it today. (BBC, 2010). The modern approach to mental illness is that there could be a number of causes, whether that be genetic, organic, personal, social or a combination of either, and that sufferers should not be labelled, should not be considered ‘abnormal’ and that they should be treated just like any other ‘normal’ member of society. Ross Clarke B, 2012). They should receive sufficient care via GP/hospital appointments, care in the community and by alternative therapies such as family interventions, self-help groups etc. ‘User movements’ have also quite recently been introduced, this is a system which encourages the patient to work with a professional such as a doctor/psychiatrist to help choose the treatments they receive in order to make them feel more in control of their illness or disorder and to help them feel more confidence that the chosen treatment will work. BBC, 2010). People with mental illnesses are no longer stigmatised or labelled and a majority of the western world have now accepted mental illness as a genuine problem which needs to be solved, rather than seeing it as a condition which needs to be locked away from society like in the early 50’s. References Mike Harris. (2008). Sociology of health and illness. Available: http://www. slideshare. net/Bias22/sociology-of-health-and-illness-presentation#btnNext Last Accessed: 06/12/2012Unknown Author. (2012). What is the biomedical model? Available: http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-the-biomedical-model. htm Last Accessed: 06/12/2012 Ross Clarke. (2012). Booklet 3 – the different constructions of health and illness. The Manchester College, 2012 The Open university. (2012). Models of healthcare: the biomedical model. Available: http://openlearn. open. ac. uk/mod/oucontent/view. php? id=398060§ion=1. 6 Last Accessed: 06/12/2012 Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. (1999).Classification in psychiatry: ICD-10 versus DSM-IV. The British Journal of Psychiatry. v. 174. no. 1. p. 3 – 4 Ross Clarke B. (2012). Booklet 4 – approaches to the study of mental health and illness. The Manchester College, 201 2. Saul McLeod. (2008). The medical model. Available: http://www. simplypsychology. org/medical-model. html Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. Coppock and Dunn. (2009). Understanding mental health and mental distress. Available: http://www. sagepub. com/upm-data/30675_02_Coppock_&_Dunn_Ch_01. df Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. Unknown Author B. (2011). Psychology 101. Available: http://allpsych. com/psychology101/personality. html Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. BBC (2010). BBC4 video – mental history of the mad house. Last Accessed 27/11/2012. Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick. (2011). Mental institutions, Enoch Powell and community care. Available: http://www. communitycare. co. uk/blogs/social-care-the-big-picture/2011/09/mental-institutions-enoch-powell-and-community-care. html Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. The Sociology of Health The Sociology of Health The socio-medical model of health The socio-medical model of health focuses on the social factors which effect an individual’s health and well-being. They believe each person should be treated in accordance to their own personal circumstance and situation surrounding there illness, rather than be treated as a member of a group suffering from a particular illness, and should be treated the same as each person within that group. The socio-medical model concentrates on social factors contributing to the standards of health.Social inequality and living standards are important influences on the standards of health. The socio-medical model suggests that the wealthy are more likely to have good health and suffer from less illness, and the poor are more likely to have bad health and suffer from more illnesses than the wealthy would. Things which could be factors contributing to ill health within societies with poor living standards, according to the socio-medic al model are; damp or cold houses, lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of education and health awareness etc.The socio-medical model also suggests that the standards of health varies across different cultures, and that what is considered an illness in one society might be not be seen as an illness in another society. For example the contagious skin disease ‘yaws’ was so common in sub-Saharan Africa early this century that it was not considered a disease at all, it was considered normal because most of the population had the disease. The socio-medical model thinks that some societies also treat people with an illness differently from other societies.For example Australia does not allow anyone with HIV into the country, which is seen by most other countries as morally wrong and contrasts with the way people with HIV are treated in the majority of societies around the world. Time is another factor which the socio-medical model believes influences the standards of health. For instance cigarettes were promoted as being positive over 60years ago, whereas today smoking cigarettes is a well-known health threat.Socio-medical treatments for illnesses include looking at an individual’s personal situation, identifying the factors which have contributed to their illness or disorder, and removing these factors in order to correct or resolve the problem. For example a young man who has gone bald, from a socio-medical point of view, would be assessed and factors in his life such as great stress at work would be identified, this stress would be seen as the cause of his premature baldness, and they would try to help the man find a health way to vent his stress – in order to improve his condition.The biomedical model would view this man in a different way, they would concentrate on genetic factors such as premature baldness in his father, and put this forward as the cause in contrast to the socio-medical model. The biomedical model of health The biomedic al model emerged after the industrialisation of the western world. New scientific discoveries and methods were being used to produce a new model of health which used new technologies and tests such as x-rays, biopsies and electroencephalographs in order to monitor people’s health.These tests aim to show ‘biological malfunction or irregularity’ in order to diagnose illnesses, which are then treated using biological methods such as drugs, operations, hospitalisation etc. (Ross Clarke, 2012). According to the biomedical model the individual is not responsible for their illness or condition, and think that illness is caused by; a biological breakdown within the individual (this can be things such as infections, genetic malfunctions, broken bones and so on) or by external factors invading the body – such as virus’s and disease etc.They believe every single illness has ‘one single observable cause’. (Mike Harris, 2008). The biomedical model b elieves that the cause for a certain illness in one person has the same cause of that illness in another person – so all people with that illness should be given the same treatments, no individual cases are usually taken into account. (Ross Clarke, 2012). The biomedical model refers to ‘good health’ as having no illness. If you have ‘bad health’ you are considered to be ill, or to have an illness.Treatment is given with the aim of correcting a malfunction within the body and once this malfunction is corrected, you will be considered to be healthy again. (The Open University, 2012). The biomedical model is the dominant model of health in the modern western world. It treats illness and ‘malfunction’ with the use of medication, operations, radio and chemo therapy, transplants etc. Some socio-medical methods of treatment, however, are used alongside the biomedical model treatments, such as the use of therapy. (Unknown Author, 2012).The diffe rent approaches to mental health and illness Mental health and illness can be defined and viewed in many different ways according to many different factors including; the models of disability, the culture, gender, social class, the time period, religion etc. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). The biomedical, or medical, model of health would describe mental illness in the same way they describe any other illness; that it is caused by one single physical/genetic cause. This could be things such as genes passed down from your parents, a bump or bang to the head etc.They believe that symptoms are caused by a physical problem within the person or in the brain and they group these symptoms together in order to diagnose an illness or syndrome. The medical model uses two classification systems of mental illness in order to diagnose a patient. These two systems are the DSM IV and the ICD-10. The DSM identifies the patient’s symptoms in order to give a diagnosis for their disorder, while the ICD- 10 not only identifies the disorder and relevant symptoms, but it also tries to identify a cause. Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. 1999). The medical model of mental health describes people with mental illnesses as victims of their disorder, they see them as being unable to control their own actions and place no blame on the patient. The medical model uses drugs and therapies in order to treat people with mental illness, these could be things such as antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, mood stabilisers, sectioning, institutionalisation, ECT (Electro compulsive therapy), psychosurgery etc. (Saul McLeod, 2008).The socio-medical model’s approach to mental health is a total contrast to that of the medical model. It believes that many of the treatments used by the biomedical model are inhumane and unnecessary, and that mental illness is a result of social and personal factors surrounding an individual, rather than as a result of a biological cause. The socio-medical mod el would use therapies such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), client-centred therapy, family interventions, self-help groups, social and individual learning skills sessions and vocational training.The therapies used by the socio-medical model aim to give insight into the patients personal problems which could be causing the mental illness, they aim to give the patient unconditional positive regard, boost self-esteem and confidence (which may be low due to the negative perceptions of mental illnesses in most societies) and try to promote an independent life for the patient so that they can live in society safely, whilst still getting the care and treatment they need from community carers etc. (Coppock and Dunn, 2009).They believe the society you live in, your quality of life and your social class has a great influence on an individual’s mental health. They would say that due to the financial stresses and low life quality of the lower classes, this would make them more li kely to suffer from mental illness. They will use the client centred therapy to identify the personal problems in an individual’s life such as marital problems, financial problems, problems in the work place etc. The socio-medical model believes that the medical model stigmatizes patients by treating all patients suffering from a particular mental illness the same.They believe that society has a negative perception of mentally ill people and that they should not be labelled as it is not their fault they are suffering from that condition. (Ross Clarke B, 2012). Besides the different medical models, there are also other approaches to the study of mental health. Sigmund Freud, and others who follow the psychodynamic theory, would say that mental illness is due to an unsuccessful completion of a psychosexual stage or due to a trauma in a person’s childhood, and that bringing their unconscious thoughts to the surface of the conscious mind (using psychotherapy) will eliminat e the problem. Unknown Author B, 2011). Different time periods have also had different approaches to the study of mental illness. Early this century, for example, people suffering from mental illness were seen as being inadequate to the rest of society, a danger to their-selves and others and unable to live ‘normally’ within society. They treated these people inhumanely, carrying out horrendous treatments which often resulted in patients becoming emotionless and ‘zombified’.Before the 1950’s ECT was carried out without the use of anaesthetic, which was very painful and uncomfortable for the patient. Around this time people with mental illnesses were being institutionalised on a regular basis, and by the mid 1950’s there was a total of around 150,000 people across the UK in mental institutions. (BBC, 2010). People were institutionalised for a variety of different reasons, ranging from sufferers of depression, to violent outbursts (mostly among women) and then extreme things such as murder or suicide attempts.These institutions at the time thought they were providing the best form of treatment for their patients, but people in more recent times think that the institutions had an unpleasant ‘prison-like atmosphere’ and that they totally took away people’s rights, freedom, independence, social skills and self-esteem and confidence and that the treatments they used were unnecessary and inhumane. (BBC, 2010).In the late 1950’s – early 1960’s a more humane approach started to be taken to the study of mental health. The start of the NHS in 1948 meant that mental health would now have a more modern and humane view from society, the NHS started to introduce new treatments and therapies in the asylums/institutions such as ‘programmes of activity’ including craft and sewing classes ect, and also introduced an ‘open-door policy’, aiming to give the patients more indep endence and freedom.This new approach recognised that asylums were not necessary for all mentally ill patients and in 1961, a man named Enoch Powell tried to change societies vision of mental ill health and, as the health minister of the time, he vowed to close all mental asylums/institutions and to instead, release patients into society, providing treatment and care for them at home and in the community via community carers. (Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick, 2011). It wasn’t until the 1970’s however that people stopped being admitted into the asylums and still took until the 1980’s for the first asylum to close.By 1990 100,000 patients had been released into society and mental hospitals started to become extinct. This was the start of care in the community for the mentally ill, as we know it today. (BBC, 2010). The modern approach to mental illness is that there could be a number of causes, whether that be genetic, organic, personal, social or a combination of either, and that sufferers should not be labelled, should not be considered ‘abnormal’ and that they should be treated just like any other ‘normal’ member of society. Ross Clarke B, 2012). They should receive sufficient care via GP/hospital appointments, care in the community and by alternative therapies such as family interventions, self-help groups etc. ‘User movements’ have also quite recently been introduced, this is a system which encourages the patient to work with a professional such as a doctor/psychiatrist to help choose the treatments they receive in order to make them feel more in control of their illness or disorder and to help them feel more confidence that the chosen treatment will work. BBC, 2010). People with mental illnesses are no longer stigmatised or labelled and a majority of the western world have now accepted mental illness as a genuine problem which needs to be solved, rather than seeing it as a condition which needs to be locked away from society like in the early 50’s. References Mike Harris. (2008). Sociology of health and illness. Available: http://www. slideshare. net/Bias22/sociology-of-health-and-illness-presentation#btnNext Last Accessed: 06/12/2012Unknown Author. (2012). What is the biomedical model? Available: http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-the-biomedical-model. htm Last Accessed: 06/12/2012 Ross Clarke. (2012). Booklet 3 – the different constructions of health and illness. The Manchester College, 2012 The Open university. (2012). Models of healthcare: the biomedical model. Available: http://openlearn. open. ac. uk/mod/oucontent/view. php? id=398060§ion=1. 6 Last Accessed: 06/12/2012 Andrews, G. , Slade, T. , Peters, L. (1999).Classification in psychiatry: ICD-10 versus DSM-IV. The British Journal of Psychiatry. v. 174. no. 1. p. 3 – 4 Ross Clarke B. (2012). Booklet 4 – approaches to the study of mental health and illness. The Manchester College, 201 2. Saul McLeod. (2008). The medical model. Available: http://www. simplypsychology. org/medical-model. html Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. Coppock and Dunn. (2009). Understanding mental health and mental distress. Available: http://www. sagepub. com/upm-data/30675_02_Coppock_&_Dunn_Ch_01. df Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. Unknown Author B. (2011). Psychology 101. Available: http://allpsych. com/psychology101/personality. html Last Accessed: 06/12/2012. BBC (2010). BBC4 video – mental history of the mad house. Last Accessed 27/11/2012. Adam McCulloch, Michael Fitzpatrick. (2011). Mental institutions, Enoch Powell and community care. Available: http://www. communitycare. co. uk/blogs/social-care-the-big-picture/2011/09/mental-institutions-enoch-powell-and-community-care. html Last Accessed: 06/12/2012.

Armstrong Family Essay

â€Å"Which is more important freedom or happiness† (Nijinsky 78). Every human has their own definition for â€Å"happiness† and â€Å"freedom†, and that’s what Armstrong and BZRK cooperation’s are fighting for. The Armstrong family fought for ultimate happiness, while BZRK fought for people right and freedom. Characters in this novel were willing to die for freedom and they were also willing to kill for freedom. This novel demonstrates the emerging technologies and makes you think about the implication they may represent in society. It raises questions such as â€Å"Is freedom something worth fighting for? † The theme is freedom, and it’s required for happiness, in BZRK by Michael Grant it convincingly demonstrates through madness, achieving potential, and sanity. Through the character isolation due to their restrictions, they demonstrate that you need freedom to achieve more happiness. Due to the Armstrong’s isolation because of their isolation, they are forcing their will to create a collective human identity. During a conversation between the Armstrong brother’s and their followers â€Å"they are ruthless in a demonic cause, we will unite humanity† (Benjamin Armstrong 66). This helps connect with the outer world as they see and hear about leaders that are imposing their will and taking people’s freedom. Later on in the novel, the reader discovers that Vincent is diagnosed with the disease that makes him unable to feel happiness. Then later on when he defeats the Armstrong brothers, he was able to achieve happiness. He always has a look of disgust but later on the look is surpassed† (Sadie 155). This situation helps the reader visualise the unhappiness in the character because of the inability to achieve freedom. Through lifetime of experiences the potential achieved freedom allows us to live a happy fulfilling life. As a result of his freedom being taken away Alex failed to reach his potential to reach his full potential in the army and was handcuffed in a mental Asylum. Alex’s brother describes Alex situation â€Å"Alex Cotton was in a room and sat on the edge of the bunk. His wrists were handcuffed to steal rings† (Noah 5). This helps the reader associate the prisoners to a lack of freedom and lack of achieved potentials in a variety of all sorts. Likewise, because of Anthony being locked up in his own imagination he wasn’t able to reach his full potential and was satisfied in being a mass murderer. In a confrontation with Burnofsky â€Å"I just rewire people brains. You think I won’t rewire my own if needed! (Anthony 188). This showed the reader a lot about the character of Anthony and that he is willing to do anything to satisfy the Armstrong brother’s Through the sanity of major characters in BZRK, it help it them reach their ultimate goal which was to achieve their freedom. Do to Greg Mclure sanity he was able to create nanobot technology in hope to win battle against the Armstrong family. During a conversation with Anthony â€Å"Burnofsky remember the day he spent with Grey Mclure working in the lab on the nanobots† (Michael Grant 124). This shows the reader that Greg always uses his intelligent to reach his potential and that helps him fight for his freedom against the Armstrong family. Similarly, Vincent always used his freedom of choice and his intelligent to become the best nanobot fighter. In a battle between Vincent and Anthony â€Å"he will find something wrong, he is too smart to fall for this trick† (Anthony 178). Likewise, this shows how Vincent sanity help it him excel in what he does and also help it him finally finding pleasure in his life. In conclusion, the theme is freedom is required for happiness, and it’s demonstrated through madness, achieving potential, and sanity. Firstly, through character isolation due to their appearance and sickness it shows that you need freedom to achieve happiness in life. Secondly, through lifelong experiences the potential achieving helps you live a long fulfilling life. Lastly, sanity helps the character achieve his ultimate goal which was to gain freedom. So, why is freedom worth fighting for? It matters a great deal to everyone one in the world. Freedom brings progress, opportunity, and happiness into people lives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pozzo & Lucky’s Relationship

During the two character’s appearance in act 1 we learn a lot about both characters through the relationship they have with each other. While Lucky’s lack of speech under Pozzo’s domain makes it difficult to identify his personality, we can still infer a lot about him. ‘Pig’, ‘hog’ and ‘swine’. All abusive vocatives thrown at Lucky by Pozzo. An instant indication that the relationship between these two characters is far from friendly, and makes the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon seem certainly pleasant. It is clear that Lucky acts as a type of servant to Pozzo and this is clarified when he attempts to describe their relationship in the quote â€Å"He wants to mollify me, so that I'll give up the idea of parting with him†. It is instantly clear that Pozzo’s character is extremely arrogant. He lords over the others, and he is decisive, powerful, and confident. When his character is introduced he refers to the other two as human, but as inferior beings; then he condescendingly acknowledges that there is a human likeness, even though the â€Å"likeness is an imperfect one.† This image reinforces his authoritarian god-like stance. Pozzo's superiority is also seen in the manner in which he eats the chicken, and then casts the bones to Lucky with an air of complete omnipotence. Yet there are several quotes after he becomes acquainted with Vladamir and Estragon for example â€Å"I'd very much like to sit down† and referring to them as ‘gentlemen’ which suggest that, due to his long and lonely journey, he seeks the approval of them both and to be, as he quotes ‘old friends’. This provides the audience with a hint that despite has vast knowledge he is lacking somet hing which he cannot gain from Lucky which is a companion. Together the two characters represent the antithesis of each other. From one man who seems to be incapable of not contributing his input to someone who barely speaks a word. An inexhaustible amount of polarities can be applied to their relationship. However, Beckett has left a lot of information unsaid; Pozzo tells us that his profound knowledge was taught to him through none other than Lucky himself, whether this is simply a metaphorical term is undetermined however this does hint to the audience that perhaps the two characters were once not so dissimilar. Further enigma is created through pozzo exclamation that Lucky has become insufferable: â€Å"I can't bear it . . . any longer . . . the way he goes on . . . you've no idea†. This leaves the audience alienated in terms of context, we are unaware of Lucky even speaking let alone driving someone to such an extent. This could also be seen as a malicious side to Pozzo’s character as he could potentially be lying as he sees Estragon and Vladimir warming to Lucky and is envious of that. Read also Intro to Public Relations Notes Similarities can be seen between Pozzo ; Lucky’s relationship in comparison to Vladimir ; Estragon’s, in a sense that, the two relationships have an element of irascibility. Vladimir and Estragon fail to agree on things and often find themselves in disputes, yet they are still bound by each other and depend on one another. This is, in many ways mirrored in Pozzo and Lucky’s relationship, although there is a much bigger gap in terms of authority. Despite this, the two still depend on each other and are even bound by a rope which could be representative of an umbilical cord which brings about references to religion, life and other common themes within the play. To conclude, the relationship that Pozzo and Lucky have is very significant in the play and when the tables are turned in act 2 with Pozzo losing his sight we learn a lot more about the two characters than in their introduction in act 1. The master and the servant have little in common but are bound to each other much like our main characters Vladimir and Estragon.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

History - Essay Example ew Deal therefore was focused on improving the living standards of the rural people in American society by rightful and fair distribution of its land and other natural resources and new agricultural policies. A) American Women: American women served in the Second World War in all the departments like the Army, Navy, Air force and even the Coast Guard. They were indispensable and strived hard to tide over the massive attacks that caused so much of deaths and casualties. More than 200 army nurses lost their lives in World War II. World War II was the first time that allowed African American women to enroll. These women selflessly strived hard while working in some of the most inhuman of conditions. They cooked, cleaned, attended emergencies, did truck driving and administrative work. They worked on par with the men and are proud to have served their country so well. During and even after World War II, the American economy suffered miserably. After the blasting of Pearl Harbor where there was much destruction and loss of both life and property, the country’s industrial and civilian resources were harnessed by the Federal Government, to compensate the heavy losses incurred and therefore the economy suffered badly. The Truman doctrine was introduced by Harry S. Truman which suggested that aid would be provided by the United States to both Turkey and Greece for Military as well as other Political reasons. One of the political reasons was to ward of a communist threat. The Marshall Plan followed the Truman doctrine and served to bring about an economic restoration of Western Europe by implementing the NATO in 1949 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Truman understood that if Turkey and Greece were not given this timely aid, then they would naturally fall to Communism which would have adverse effects on the country. On the 4th of April 1949, a treaty was signed called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was a military alliance with its headquarters in

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Innovation and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Innovation and Change - Essay Example Often, it is realized that most organizations fail to drive their innovation strategies in a proper manner. Recognizing the imperative need for innovation in the organization, most executives miscalculate in terms of their desire to innovate and the ability of the organization to innovate. In the face of such a dilemma, it only leads to a situation where the organization ultimately fails to achieve anything. It is therefore quite important that the desire of the organization to innovate is effectively synchronized with the capability of innovation. In such a case, it becomes easier to manage the innovation process in the organization. Several instances normally abound where disconnects are realized in terms of the missions and goals of innovation. Most often these challenges arise in the face of growing competition which forces organizations to adopt innovation as an option for improved productivity or performance. In the computer industry across the world, such leading innovation ex perts like Apple might always make other smaller market players to imagine that they could also innovate to that capacity. In the end, the smaller organizations end up out of the market owing to failed innovative strategies. This arises because innovation is generally a program that requires a lot of resource allocation and sufficient consideration in the organization. It calls for a proper innovation culture within the organization in order to effectively succeed (Porter, 2008). Most organizations fail in their innovation strategies because they normally expect to realize many returns from little allocation. In other cases, the size and resources of the organization cannot just enable them to implement any meaningful innovation strategy within the organization. There is often a disconnection between an organization’s goals and mission and its innovation process. For instance, an organization might aspire to realize a particular profit in the year at a given level of revenue. However, with innovation in mind, it might become difficult to realize the profit since innovation is normally an expensive affair in the organization whose cost cannot easily be foretold. Such a disconnect might therefore pose a challenge to the organization. In order to prevent this disconnect, it is important to set aside particular funds in the organization in order to address the issues of innovation without affecting other operational areas of the organization. This would be imperative to bridge the disconnection between the mission of the organization in terms of innovation and the operational aspects of the organization. It therefore boils down to the adoption of an effective innovation strategy in the organization that takes into account all the important aspects pertaining to the organization which include the resources, size of the organization and the position of the organization in the market. In this regard, it would be possible to develop or adopt an innovation strat egy that exactly specifies what the organization should pursue which should be in tandem with the ability of the organization. From the outset, it is important to institute a culture of innovation within the organi

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Career Choices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career Choices - Research Paper Example In addition, this course has many career paths from which one can choose from particularly when it comes to specializing in one area of the profession. This being the case, this paper explores the Design and Technology as a career choice in relation to Engineering in terms of both career prospects and competing benefits. A career in design and Technology is indeed a good one considering the fact that many career paths from which one can choose from in this field of study exist. This is the main reason I have decided to pursue a career in Design and Technology (Barlex, 27). With a degree in Design and Technology, one either can opt to become a designer in various sectors or incorporates their technological skills into private practice just to mention but a few (Ansell, 56). Currently, I am majoring on the Design part of this career, as it coincides with my career aspirations of becoming a designer. Being a student of Design and Technology, I usually go for industrial attachments and i nternships and currently I am attached to a technology design company that specializes in the production of digitized photos. Since the field of Design and Technology is a broad one, one needs at least an undergraduate degree in order to be more refined in their prospective professions and career choices. This is especially so due to the heavy and broad coursework involved in the study, a prerequisite most employers look for (Barlex, 27). When it comes to the working environment, perhaps Design and technology is the best career choice one can make considering the fact that designers can choose either to work online or work from offices in the course of carrying out their respective duties (Ansell, 56). This means that with a career in Design and technology, one can work from anywhere irrespective of their geographical conditions (Cave, 39). Besides, a Design and Technology professional can either decide to seek employment or venture into private practice owing to their vast array of competencies. Certainly, the career is quite inspirational and a number of facts and ideas played a key role in influencing my decision to take this career path (Barlex, 27). Fundamentally, I had an uncle who took the same career path and he used to encourage me by constantly telling me the benefits of pursuing a career in Design and Techno

Monday, August 26, 2019

GRADUATE LETTER FOR ADMISSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

GRADUATE LETTER FOR ADMISSION - Essay Example My interests in pursuing graduate studies had intensified during my practice as a supervisor of Hematology department in Alhada armed forces hospital in Saudi Arabia. I have realized the urgent need and demand for skilled technologists, at my work place and other laboratories in developing regions. I believe, by gaining more knowledge in Hematology and management skills, I would be of greater help in the laboratory medicine field worldwide, Saudi Arabia in particular. Besides updated skills in the early diagnosis of many blood related diseases such as anemia, leukemia etc; better management and leadership skills are very important in developing countries like Saudi Arabia. With the transition of most laboratories to acquire accreditation of the college of American Pathologists (CAP) and other regulatory agencies, the need for professional and comprehensive managerial capabilities in the developing countries are becoming crucial. This has triggered the need for more sophisticated knowledge in the updated laboratory methods, and quality control and quality assurance concepts. At my last job, I was able to adhere to the highest professional Laboratory standards, despite the fact that I was working under different working environment, tradition, and dress code. It was very interesting, challenging and great learning experience. In addition to background skills and knowledge in the medical laboratory science, my balanced personality, and open minded nature, made me successful supervisor. Some of my accomplishments include, constructing and updating hematology department’s procedure manuals, evaluation of new analyzers, organizing and passing successfully the bi annual inspection conducted by of the college of American pathologists (CAP) etc. Through my job, I have greatly improved my analytical ability and pressure management techniques. The process

Sunday, August 25, 2019

BUS law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

BUS law - Essay Example er who is in a vehicle that is legally stopped for traffic violation, as long as the officer has reason to believe that the passenger is armed and dangerous (Richardson 525). This is the standard that is applied to an officer’s pat down passenger during a traffic stop. The stop starts the moment a vehicle is pulled over by police officers for the purpose of investigation following a traffic violation. During the stop the police officers present may lawfully seize the occupants of the vehicle for the entire duration of the stop (526). There is no search warrant required in conducting a pat down during a traffic stop. The search and pat down can proceed solely on the basis of probable cause provided the police officer reasonably suspects that the passenger may be armed and dangerous (525). If the suspicion is short of probable cause, it would not be sufficient to warrant a search on the driver or passenger because that would be infringing on their personal rights and freedoms which are protected by the constitution (536). Richardson, Mark R. The Vulnerable Passenger: An Analysis of the Constitutionality of Terry Frisking Vehicle Passengers Not Suspected of Criminal Activity in Arizona v. Johnson, 129 S. Ct. 781 (2009), 89 Neb. L. Rev. (2010) Available at:

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Issue regarding water( Alberta) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issue regarding water( Alberta) - Essay Example It called this the ‘Water for Life’ action plan (Alberta, 2010). With this goodwill from the government, it is surprising to see companies in Alberta engaging in practises that are seen to be opposite in nature to what the government is proposing. This is why this research has been conducted. It seeks to provide an assessment of water pollution in Alberta with a view of putting forth recommendations on how the same can be eradicated to ensure the sustenance of life in Alberta as water is indeed life. Water Pollution There are various causes of water pollution in Alberta, the main being human activities. Human industrial activities, the main being energy production, are seen to negatively affect the quality of water and its viability as relates to its conduciveness for human consumption. Energy is a requirement for the smooth running of operations in any region, but its production should not attain a superior status vis a vis the preservation of the environment. The compa nies in Alberta have set out to achieve energy production while destroying the water in Alberta, herein lies the problem. It is shocking that the Albertan government has put profits above the health of the people and the sustenance of the environment. This is made worse by the fact that the Canadian government has no set national standards that aim to protect the environment. This has led to an alarming trend of both air, land and water pollution whose effects are now being seen as vegetation growing on and the water coming from the contaminated areas is becoming toxic to both animal and human consumption (Committee, 2011). Companies have engaged in Hydraulic fracturing; which is the injection of fluids under high pressure into underground rock formations to access natural gas. The natural gas is easily accessed in this manner because injecting the fluids at high pressure causes cracks and fissures in the rocks which enables the gas to escape and be harnessed. This practice has been fought against because it happens not to be as fool proof as the companies would like the population to believe. This process does not guard against water pollution because the gas that is trapped in the rock makes it way via these cracks into water bodies. This has catastrophic effects because the gas renders the water dangerous for human consumption. This affected water is the same source that the citizens of Alberta use as drinking water as they get the same from surface water sources which include rivers, lakes and reservoirs which are thus polluted (Alberta, 2010). A recent study showed the presence of high levels of ethane, methane, and benzene in the water and one resident of Alberta stated "My water began dramatically changing, going bad. I was getting horrible burns and rashes from taking a shower, and then my dogs refused to drink the water. That's when I began to pay attention." (Nelson, 2010) Water is also used as a raw material in running the machines that work towards the production of oil and petroleum. Water is being absorbed by these companies at very high rates, causing the water level in Alberta to continuously fall because this same water that is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research paper on Samuel Beckett Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On Samuel Beckett - Research Paper Example Samuel Beckett was born and raised in a Protestant middle class home and was the son of Bill Beckett, a Quantity Surveyor and May Beckett, a Nurse (Cronin 72). At the age of 14, his parents sent him off to school which was apparently also attended by Oscar Wilde. A few years later, Beckett moved to Paris and without more ado, fell in love with the city. Upon arrival, a mutual friend introduced him to James Joyce who was a writer (Nixon 91). Having been introduced to the world of writing, Beckett wrote his very first essay at the age of 23 which was in defense of Joyce’s magnum piece against the public’s lazy demand for easy understanding (Knowlson 110). However, upon completing a study of Proust, Beckett concluded that routine and habit are the cancer of time and this led to him having some considerations regarding his life. France became the strongest factor that was to influence his spirit and style of his writings. He later gave up his post at Trinity College where h e received his B.A. Degree, and embarked on a nomadic journey across Europe. As he travelled across Europe, Beckett still wrote poems and stories while doing odd jobs to get some form of income. He finally settled down in Paris in the year 1937 after being to Germany, Ireland, England and other parts of Europe. In a rather unfortunate incident, soon after he arrived in Paris, he was stabbed in the street by a man who had asked him for money (Uhlmann 21). While in hospital, Beckett learned that he had developed a perforated lung. Beckett recovered and decided to visit his attacker in prison to question him on the attack. In the course of the World War II, he put up in Paris even subsequent to being conquered by Germans. He briefly joined the underground movement where he fought for the resistance until 1942 where he was strained to flee with his French wife to the uninhabited zone so as to avoid arrest (Connor 53). After Paris was liberated from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The American Exchange Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The American Exchange - Term Paper Example The American exchange was influenced not only by Europe and Africa, but also by Asia. Moreover, it had an effect on the Asian commerce. The American exchange not only led to commercial growth but also had impacts on environmental and demographic changes1. Discussion Colonialism had a great impact on the American exchange between 1500 and 1800. The kingdoms of Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, France and Dutch each sought to gather wealth for their countries through colonies and advantageous oversees trading arrangements2. This also involved frustrating ambitious rivals from doing the same. In the American exchange, America was the colony, which included the entire western hemisphere. This area attracted a lot of interest because of the sugar islands of West Indies and the silver mines located in New Spain and Peru3. The triangular trade between America, Europe and Africa marked the beginning of the American exchange. According to this triangle, colonies from eastern America furnished t he raw materials while West Africa provided the labor needed to produce these raw materials. The mother country would in turn ship these manufactured products to both countries, that is, America and Africa. This partly led to the American Revolution as they protested against the colonial countries as they took raw materials from them, made them into finished products and then sold them at higher prices4. The Atlantic commerce paradigm takes into account coastal inhabitants of the three continents as they exchanged people and goods. In the Atlantic scheme, historians look at the contribution of the African kingdoms to the slave trade with Africans comprising a higher number of transatlantic immigrants compared to Europeans. The Atlantic commerce scheme also takes into account the Indian nations. The Indians supplied the American regions with skins and fur while they consumed manufactured goods and alcohol from the American regions. The Indian nations also introduced new agricultural products to the American farmers. Indian populations were also an important source of cultural identity and labor in some American regions. The Indians were able, until eighteenth century, to keep the colonialists at the coastal regions and away from the American continent5. Short-term consequences of American exchange The commercial system that existed at this period, with America producing the raw materials and colonial government selling them the finished products, led to the American Revolution. This was mainly due to the taxes on products such as tea, British manufactured goods and sugar products. There were protests by the consumers of the products6. The consumers could relate to the problems associated with goods from the empire. They were seen as a means of the colonial government exerting their rule on the American region. This was especially problematic considering they did not have representation in parliament back in London. Their mass consumption led to resisting of sta mp, sugar and Townshend acts7. They also boycotted tea and pledged non-importation, ultimately declaring independence. The principle of demand and supply is credited as responsible for the revolution and independence as it placed them at par with the colonial governments. The American colonies mobilized in an attempt to put an end to imperial state meddling, which would

Products & United States Essay Example for Free

Products United States Essay The product selected for this particular study is Crest whitening toothpaste. Crest has been one of Proctor Gamble’s major global products since it was launched in the United States in 1955. Since then the product has changed in a few ways, namely in the active content of the product, and how it is marketed. This study will look at whether these changes were successful, and what strategies were used by Proctor Gamble to initiate these changes. In the last five to ten years, the Crest range of toothpastes has been expanded to include a variety of products which promote the whitening element of the core toothpaste product. These include the development of a long lasting mouthwash to complement Crest toothpaste as well as whitening strips which can be applied to teeth after brushing and mouth washing. The core product has also been changed, with a wider variety of Crest products, from sensitive whitening to weekly cleaning cream. These changes and the excellent brand management at Proctor Gamble have allowed the product to be developed slightly but clearly and concisely, without moving away from the core strategic elements of their corporate strategy, to deliver products which improve the lives of everyday people around the world. These changes have been made using a simple brand management strategy, which was not to try and develop the next big thing, but to focus on what Proctor Gamble are good at, and maintain the market share of the old staple products, such as Crest.   This strategy was implemented by the CEO Alan Lafley, who was appointed in 2000. He wanted to streamline the business around its core products, and Crest was one of those products. This brand building strategy was very successful and has helped Proctor Gamble become one of the biggest companies in the United States today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Globalisation Of Communication Curriculum

Globalisation Of Communication Curriculum Globalisation is a word used more often today than twenty or thirty years ago. Globalisation describes the increasing movement of people, knowledge, ideas, goods and money across national borders (Eberlein 2011:15). When talking about globalisation people mostly refer to the political, economic and technological changes which they think makes the world function differently today than it did twenty or thirty years ago It is assured that higher education institutions are affected by globalisation and are being transformed on a day to day basis and is speeding up the process of interconnectedness. Most of the universities are internationally recognised and in touch and informed with what other universities across the world is doing (Marginson van der Wende 2006:4). According to Marginson and van der Wende (2006:4), globalisation is not a single or universal phenomenon. It is nuanced according to locality (local area, nation, world region); language(s) of use, and academic cultures; and it plays out very differently according to the type of institution. It is nearly impossible for single higher education institutions and countries to isolate themselves from other institutions across the globe because of the interconnected global environment. Globalisation has made it possible for institutions to be connected and visible to other institutions around the world through the medium of social networking and cell phones (Marginson van der Wende 2006:4). 3. Globalisation and Communication ICTin South Africa has developed faster than expected and it makes the mobility of learning easier and more accessible. ICTs has an increased influence on any society and this has resulted in the transformation in communication and sharing of information around the world (Bilas Franc 2010:105). Bilas and Franc (2010:105)say that ICT ensures a speedy flow of information at a low cost. Globalisation is changing the way we communicate to others and what we communicate. The University of Pretoria uses a website what we call Click-up, this site is used only by students and lecturers that are registered at the University of Pretoria. Lecturers have the opportunity to distribute their lecture notes and any other additional information with regards to their subject field or module on the website. The students can than access this website and download any notes and information they may require. It is also used as a communications tool for lecturers and students. The lecturers can communicate with students by posting announcements on their particular subject of module link. Students can also communicate with fellow students by commenting on a specific module link and also so with the lecturers. This is a fast and effective way of communicating between lecturers and fellow students and the sharing of information. I myself would be lost without Click-up and I find this website very convenient and easy to use and as mentioned earlier it is a source where inf ormation is sent fast and at a low cost. 4. Globalisation and Curriculum Curriculum means to study a few different subjects in one course either during school or at university level. Globalisation has a major effect on curriculum in terms of the course content and subject content. It has impacted the curriculum polies to an extent where lifelong learning is an important factor in the Outcomes Based Education (OBE) system. Ngubane (2008:17) says that the global economic dynamic desires to make education systems even more receptive to the goals of a global world through reviving human capital theory as a key ingredient of instrumentalist education. She says that with new developments taking place, the education system needs to keep up to date on a daily basis because of the impact of globalisation. Therefore the education policy must be of such dynamic structure so that it can restore itself (Ngubane 2008:15). The globalisation concept is promoted by the speed of education development, number of skilled citizens and number of trained academics. This means that certain effects of globalisation are responsible for the changes in the education system. To keep up with global change, the education system, tools, methods and structures must follow economic trends. Globalisation has changed the world and increased the international understanding between people by bringing them together from across the globe (N gubane 2008:16). In relation to what is said above, there are four key transformations associated with the effects of globalisation. One of the key transformations is accreditation and universalization. This means that an institutions accreditation serves the purpose of: assisting with state funds, providing loans and bursaries and when ease-transfer becomes helpful to students who wish to move from one institution to another (Ngubane 2008:20). At the University of Pretoria they have a policy where funds are available to assist students with access to state funds. Student finance is available to students who have difficulty to pay intuition fees up front. A student can apply for a student loan from the university or they can apply for a bursary to help lift the burden temporarily. At the University of Pretoria they also have a programme where exchange students have the opportunity to visit and learn possible new skills at the university for a certain period of time to see how we in South Africa operate in relation to their own home country. When students wish to transfer from one institution to another they will get full recognition and credit for the courses that they have already done and passed 5. Globalisation and Culture It is said that the global situation is in the process of change and that a New World Order will affect all humanity and developing countries. Cultural ideas and images can be transported from one end of the earth to the other end in an instant, wirelessly and through satellite technology. Because of this, diverse culture groups in different countries are brought together faster at an alarming rate. This is what globalisation means, being connected to the rest of the world through the internet and technology (Sijuwade 2006:125). Sijuwade (2006:125) says that: Part of the process of globalization is the need to develop a culture that, in some broad way, can transcend diverse economic, ethnic, political, racial, and religious backgrounds. A teacher is appointed to equip all learners with the skills, knowledge and values to resolve cultural and social conflicts that may arise amongst them peacefully and to respect each others culture and traditions in order to become responsible citizens of South Africa (Power 2000:7). Culture changes on a daily basis, from traditions to religions. South Africa is a very diverse country with eleven official languages which makes it a unique country. It is important for all South African citizens to be language and culture sensitive. During my experience at university it is clear that there are a lot of diverse culture groups being brought together as one Rainbow Nation. Seeing all these different groups is defiantly a new experience for me. I went to an Afrikaans-speaking medium school in Pretoria and the majority of the children there were white speaking Afrikaners. Today I get to participate in a whole new culture. Global forces are increasing populations and mixing all cultures, this has forced people to learn to live together and to celebrate difference as a fact of life (Power 2000:3). Cultures and traditions have changed over the past several years in relation to dress codes and eating habits. A practical example will be the Indian people, their culture has w esternised so much in the sense that they do not dress the way they would have 20 years ago. The Indian culture at varsity has modernised. They come to varsity dressed in jeans and t-shirts; they dont wear their traditional saris anymore and its the same with the African culture, they dont wear their traditional African outfits anymore. This means that we are moving into a new culture where everybody dresses of the same nature, we are all of one rainbow nation, united as one. 6. Conclusion In South Africa education is being shaped and influenced by the global market economy. It is changing the curriculum in schools and tertiary institutions. The staffing of a school is dependant by the number learners enrolled into that particular school for that particular year, when the teacher-learner ratio is exceeded, teacher are forced to be transferred. As said before, it is evident that the South African education system is shaped and influenced by the forces of globalisation (Ngubane 2008:24).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Criticism of a Social Group

Criticism of a Social Group The intergroup sensitivity effect occurs when people perceive criticism of a social group they belong to. Group members evaluation of the criticism depends largely on the source of the message. According to social identity theory outgroup members are typically evaluated less positively than ingroup members because people are motivated to perceive their group (and themselves) as more favorable than a reference group. Applying this ingroup preference to intergroup criticisms; outgroup critics are evaluated less positively than ingroup critics, and their comments arouse greater sensitivity than do the same comments made by an ingroup member. Since ingroup members receive more positive appraisal, their criticisms are perceived as more constructive, provoke less sensitivity, and are agreed with more. Research by Hornsey and Imani (2003) supported the intergroup sensitivity effect by revealing that ingroup critics were met with less defensiveness than were outgroup critics, regardless of t he amount of experience they had with the ingroup. The black sheep effect is another phenomenon related to social identity. When ingroup member deviate from the defining norms of the group they threaten the image of the group. One goal of group membership is positive distinctiveness; to be distinct from a reference group in a more positive way. When ingroup members deviate from norms that define the group they threaten the positive distinctiveness of the group. These individuals are then negatively evaluated. The black sheep effect refers to more negative evaluations of ingroup deviants compared to outgroup members, deviant or otherwise. Outgroup deviants cannot threaten the positive distinctiveness of the group like an ingroup member can. Groups may have a tendency to agree on more extreme positions than those held by individuals through a process called group polarization. Often this occurs following group discussion. Two theories may account for this phenomenon, social comparison theory (SCT) and persuasive arguments theory (PAT). According to SCT, people are motivated to evaluate and present themselves positively, in order to do this an individual must be continually processing information about how other people present themselves and adjust their self-presentations accordingly. People also want to be perceived to be better than average so they present themselves in a more favorable light. When all members of a group engage in this comparing process the result is a shift in a direction of perceived greater value. To do this people engage in removal of pluralistic ignorance, where they present their views as compromises between the ideal and the desire to not be too deviant from the group. People then tend to shift towards the ideal position, leading to group polarization. The bandwagon effect, or one-upmanship, also occurs because people want to be different and distinct from other people in their group in a more favorable direction. This happens when people infer the norm of the group, then shift their respo nse to a more ideal position. The persuasive arguments theory (PAT) suggests that an individuals choice or position on an issue is a function of the number and persuasiveness of pro and con arguments that that person recalls from memory when formulating their position. Discussion causes polarization because it provides persuasive arguments to the individual. These arguments tend to be evaluated on their validity and novelty. A meta-analysis by Isenberg (1986) suggested that, while there is evidence for both SCT and PAT as mediators of group polarization, PAT tends to have a stronger effect. While both may occur simultaneously, there is evidence that they are two conceptually independent processes. One of the primary ways that individuals maintain independence from norms associated with social groups is through social support. Allen (1975) proposed that social support serves to provide an assessment of physical and social reality. Under situations of conformity (experimentally manipulated by consensus on an incorrect answer) social support encourages individuals to express responses inconsistent with those of the group. Social support counteracts negative social factors related to dissent by reducing anxiety related to potential rejection, and reducing the perception that the group will make negative dispositional attributions about the dissenter. On a cognitive basis, social support helps nonconformity by simply breaking the expectation of group consensus, by cognitively restructuring the meaning of a given stimulus, and by reassuring the dissenting person that they have not lost touch with reality. Nonconformity aided by social support is enhanced by previous social contact w ith the supporter, and occur whether the supporter is an ingroup or outgroup member (as long as the conformity issue is not related to the salient social identity. The effectiveness of minority influence relies on a number of factors. According to Moscovici Faucheux (1972) one of the main factors is consistency of the message. People are motivated to seek consistency in their social world and it is easier to persuade individuals of the legitimacy of ones view on issues when the message is consistent, particularly when the answer is unknown (e.g. how to fix  the economy). Moscovici also suggests that rigid minorities tend to have a less direct influence than more flexible minorities, which may imply that Palin needs to portray her views as more moderate. Alvaro and Crano (1997) suggest that indirect minority influence may be effective at changing attitudes. In an effort to effect popular opinion about highly contested and core political issues (e.g. abortion rights) she ought to target an associated, less contentious issue (e.g. sex education in public schools). In order for her to have any success at indirect influence however, she needs to present herself as an ingroup member. She might focus on her identity as a woman, a mother, cite a long familial American heritage or any other potential cross-cutting categories. She will have more success if she portrays herself as more similar to the majority of Americans. Old fashioned prejudice may be characterized as overt prejudice where discrimination is obvious and public. Modern prejudice can be conceptualized as aversive racism (Gaertner Dovidio, 1986) which is characterized by ambivalence between feelings and beliefs associated with a egalitarian value system and unacknowledged negative feelings and beliefs about African Americans. For most Americans an egalitarian value system is important to the self-concept, demanding a nonprejudiced self-image. This is the result of sympathy for victims of past injustices leading to support of public policies that promote racial equality. However, negative attitudes toward African Americans are still pervasive. These feelings and beliefs may be derived from a historical and contemporary culturally racist contexts (creating uneasiness or discomfort). They may be biases derived from cognitive mechanisms that contribute to the development of stereotypes. They may also develop from any combination of historic al stereotypes, institutional racism, need for self-esteem, or economic competition. As opposed to the direct link between old fashioned racism and acts of prejudice, aversive racism has more complex antecedents for expression of prejudice. When there is weak, ambiguous or conflicting normative structure defining appropriate interaction or if a prejudiced response can be rationalized or justified through attribution to some factor other than race, actsof prejudice are more likely to occur. When there is clearly appropriate normative structure and a prejudiced response cannot be rationalized acts of prejudice are less likely to occur. Deindividuation effects have classically been described as anti-normative behavior stemming from decreased self-awareness and decreased self-evaluation, occurring when the presence and identity of a group supersede individual identity. Specific antecedents of deindividuation effects were proposed by Zimbardo (1969), which included anonymity, sensory overload, novel situations, loss of individual responsibility and substance abuse. Zimbardo proposed that deindividuation effects manifested as behaviors that were violations of norms and largely characterized as antisocial. Diener (1980) further elaborated on the effect as decreased self-awareness by an individual, making them responsive to external stimulus over internal monitoring and planning. It is important to note that these classical conceptions of deindividuation effects largely as an individual process, rather than a group process. A more contemporary model that challenges classical conceptualizations of deindividuation is the social identity perspective on deindividuation effects (SIDE; Reicher et al., 1995). The SIDE model proposes that deindividuation effects fall into one of two categories; (a) cognitive effects and (b) strategic effects, depending on whether the self or other group members are anonymous. Cognitive effects are believed to occur in relation to others being anonymous or identifiable. When group members are anonymous the individual has a tendency to perceive indicators of group membership, making social identity and group norms salient, however when other group members are identifiable, individual identity becomes salient, decreasing the power of group norms. In contrast, strategic effects occur when the self is either anonymous or identifiable to the group. They are named as such because rather than being involved in perception of social identity, they are involved in displaying social identi ty. Studies suggested that when an individual was anonymous they expressed more punishable than unpunishable ingroup norms, when they were identifiable, they expressed more unpunishable than punishable ingroup norms. When identity is available to an ingroup, individuals express group norms in an effort to enhance social identity, but when identity is available to an outgroup, individuals are less expressive of group norms, possibly for fear of retribution. The SIDE model suggests that crowd behaviors related to anonymity rarely result from deindividuated states, rather that behaviors were context dependant and consistent with group norms.

Monday, August 19, 2019

inertia and car accidents Essays -- essays research papers

Exp # 1 Title: Inertia and Car accidents. Aim: To find out how inertia plays a part in accidents. Materials: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wooden ramp, approx 1.5m long and 30cm wide. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bricks or wooden blocks 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 dynamics, trolleys or toy cars 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plasticine 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  metre rule Method: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two plasticine dummies weighing 20g each were made and placed on the trolleys. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trolley B was placed 30-40cm in front of the ramp. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trolley A was placed 100cm from the end of the ramp. Directly in line with the other trolley. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trolley A was released and was let to collide into Trolley B, observations were made on what happened to the dummies. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The experiment was repeated twice making sure everything was in the same place. Results: Refer to table 1. Questions: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What happened to the dummy on trolley A during the collision? Did it move during the collision? Did it move forward, backward, or stay in the same place? The Dummy on Trolley A fell forward during the collision, as the gradient increased, the dummy fell further forward. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The conclusion I have drawn from the evidence suggests that the steeper the gradient, the greater the impact. T...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Racial Profiling :: Black Lives Matter Essays

Racial Profiling is a serious discrimination against certain ethnic races. Contrary to popular belief, racial profiling can happen anytime and anywhere. It is important for us to realize that racial profiling is disrespectful to the people who are targeted and it is a crime. People should not be targeted just because of their race or color. Racial profiling has become one of the most controversial practices widely used knowingly or unknowingly in police departments, airport security systems and other government agencies across the world. The world there has been numerous incidents where people have been arrested, detained, and even beaten because of their ethnicity. A good example is incident that happened this April. A Man named Isaac Williams was arrested after taking his daily â€Å"walks† his doctor prescribed him. At the current time Peel regional police searching for a breaking and entering. Williams was spotted and was detained in a cruiser and interrogated by an officer repeatedly shouting at him. However, it does not end there, after Williams was released there was a press conference that claimed that if Williams was a different race he would not have been interviewed. Williams is filing a case against Peel Regional Police. Incidents like Williams case happens to often around the world. Even though r acial profiling is a disgraceful method, some may argue that racial profiling is necessary measure to keep the world safe from unwanted threats. They will argue that Racial Profiling is an important measure to keep away terrorist activities and capture criminals who might be smuggling drugs or human trafficking. However, there are better ways to identify these criminals. Behavioral profiling should be the main form of identifying potential criminals because, instead of using race as a key point in identifying potentially threatening criminals, behavioral profiling uses someone’s behavior to identify criminals. This method will not discriminate people of different races and will be more efficient then racial profiling. Racial Profiling has started to spread too many places around the world; we need to let the world know that arresting people solely on their race is a discriminatory and wrong practice. To some people, Racial Profiling is considered as â€Å"morally wrong†. That means that is like putting certain races into a lower class while putting other races in a higher class. This practice is wrong because in most countries we consider that all people are equal and they deserve to be treated equal.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Leadership styles in greek mythology Essay

In ancient Greece, certain leadership qualities were seen as more desirable, and by reviewing Greek mythology it is possible to understand what these ancient people valued in their leaders. The tales of Uranus, Cronus, and Zeus show which characteristics were prized by the Greek people, and which were despised. Uranus, son and husband of Gaea, was tyrannical, and fearful, casting his offspring into the underworld. He was obsessed with absolute power. It did not concern him that his children, the Hundred-handed giants and the Cyclopes, burned with rage at him from their Underworld prison. It did not concern him that his mother-wife Gaea suffered dearly knowing the fate of her children. He was a wicked ruler, and his Titan sons and daughters were fearful of him. Even when Gaea urged them to join her in a plot to overthrow Uranus, the Titans, terrified, could not reply. It was only when Cronus, the youngest Titan, finally agreed to help Gaea that Uranus was finally and violently defeated. Cronus dismembered his father and scattered the body parts. The Titans then freed their siblings and made Cronus king. Cronus, however, turned out to be as wicked a king as his father Uranus. Gaea warned Cronus that like his father, his child would overthrow him. Obsessed with avoiding Uranus’s fate, Cronus devoured each of the children born to him and Rhea, his wife. Eventually, Rhea deceived Cronus to keep him from eating the newborn children. Cunningly, Rhea his one child, Zeus, and fed her husband a rock in the place of the shining child. When Zeus grew up, joined with his brother Poseidon and the other children of Cronus in a war resulted in Zeus’s overthrow of Cronus. At last, overpowered, the Titans retreated into Tartarus, where they were bound, imprisoned, for eternity. With the Titans in the depths of the earth, the rule of Zeus began. Unlike his father and grandfather, Zeus ruled the world justly. He assigned each of the deities their respective functions. He created a system of laws, and punished those immortals that broke their sacred word. Zeus also allowed the immortals to benefit mankind. Out of chaotic destruction, Zeus’s rule began and he established such order that no Olympian god would question his authority. Even when the Titans would try to return and overthrow Zeus, they could not defeat him due to the loyalty he had earned from the other Olympians. A reading of these tales shows that the Greeks looked for the qualities of strength and authority in their leaders, along with courage and wisdom. However, these alone were not enough. In order to be a great leader or king, one needed to establish a system of justice and fairness, where those who did wrong would face punishment, and where order would be maintained instead of chaos. Zeus was the model for earthly kings because of his ability to bring order, fairness, and justice along with his great strength.

Miss Representation

Hattie Godine English 1302 Essay 3 Today’s statistics shows women and young girls in the media areas of television, has more attention placed upon them, and it’s not always in a positive way. In the documentary film Miss Representation the portrayal changes the way the public and some men would view women. These magnitude effects of the role of women have had for many years. Some organizations and commercial ads display women and girls with the idea that their beauty lies in beauty products and tanning machines along with cosmetic products.Researchers have proven concerns that many support the idea of the detrimental harm that this attention brings to our society. Are women of today’s generation being exploited as nothing more than sex objects? Records show that the United States is still very below in average for women holding how power governmental positions. Miss Representation movie is no longer just a movie film, but has become a complete campaign to instill the empowerment for women and young girls. The campaign will add challenges to people who have made attempts on transforming our culture for the advancement of all kind.All through the campaign, you will become educated in one form are another. From Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin running for the first Women president of the United States it shows that our society still has a long way to go. We have not yet made it to the point of women having equal rights as men do. There is more to the story than Miss. Representation presents, because there are 65% of women that suffer from many self-afflicting diseases, Things such as simply not being the right shape, color of skin and height creates a hold different prospective on the matter.Example like eating disorder behavior has double against young women in the past century. (Health Day News reports) Almost two-thirds (65lpercent) of young American women report disordered eating behaviors, and 10 percent report symptoms of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. ) Copyright 2013 ABC News Internet Ventures Yahoo – ABC News Network. Television too has taken on a new twist to young girls as they view ifferent shows like American Next Top Model and some Reality shows they feel this is the direction that our lives should be based upon and this is the way a girl are women should like thru a television lens. Viewing too much television puts our young children at sufficient harm’s way. Stat’s show viewing TV 10 hours each day is much too dangerous mentally. It also becomes very addictive for our young people. When Sue Katz states that I just question how crucial the dream of â€Å"power and influence† is to most women today. ` As she stated it’s the movie is getting its air time but what really is the message that is being sent out to the public.As Ms. Newsome interviewed several governments official that are females have open views about women in pol itics and what their limitation have been so far in the chain of command. Women should be of equal concerns with issues, such as pay equality as well. We can work the same average hours as a man can expect the same pay along with some times long hours to get the job done. It’s a choice that some females make for themselves. Education does play a sufficient role in what type of career are profession you want to take and pay received with that career. Often time’s women are looked over because of sexuality.The pay wage gap is very real the economy has been a slow process in recovery and women that are not fortunate enough to be homemakers and take care of school age children are subjected to taking only minimum wage jobs and earning a lot less money than men. Abortion laws is another tip of ice bird that can been a challenging topic of pro anti-abortion rights for women. Some people who willingly support the federal ban on laws about abortion issues believes that the gov ernment has taken on the responsibility of perhaps protecting the unborn fetus, and that is not the Right of the government officials.Women should be able to make the decision of if they choice to abort an unborn child. Unless there is a life threating situation that endangers the child or the mother the decision should be left in the hands of the parents. Adapting the laws in the United States Constitution clearly leaning toward the support Overturned the Constitution Roe V. Wade. Chief Justice John Roberts & Justice Samuel Alito made it clear that the pro-Rue is under scrutiny interpretation of the standard of Casey, the was believed to be about anti-abortion movement continues to lose its balance ground level in the areas of politics and court.Women Rights from the abolition movement of the 1800s is of many women of all walks of life beginning with SNCC and SCLS but the more traditional groups are NAACP women were treated like second class citizens. Some of these women believed t he women liberations groups were radical. There were three key events that took place to form new movements for women equal rights in the 60’s. The American Women, released in 1963 recognized widespread Discrimination against women in all walks of life.The Civil Rights movement and publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, which many women would questions their own lives and status in society and concluding there was something wrong. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination based not only on race but also on sex. Some of the Senators in Congress still jokingly view its addition as a means to dishonor the total act and guarantee its defeats against discrimination. In the year of 1966 Equal Opportunity Commission did not enforce laws as it applied to sex discrimination, and female activist was immediately formed the National Organization for Women.NOW was molded very closely after the NAACP. They worked very hard within the systems to stop discr imination. Women can be portrayed better in the lime light of the media by giving us the same privileges that are given to males. That includes the powerful position in politics and leadership in government. Some of the media coverage that views on television shows, video dancing, and film producing sexist toward women and their bodies makes it difficult for respect to be valuable.Only seeing the sexy side of a woman not the knowledge she may hold within her personality. Diverse advisement coverage of women is known worldwide with a lot of information. Society along is mostly shaped with influence buy what we look like as women not what we think. And that can be taken as direct criticisms. Our values are and should be measured in ways better used to see, think and feel. Women are constantly portrayed in sexually ways and we continue to be seen as sex object, and this is a violation of our human rights.Research shows targeting areas of imagines in a more positive effect on our selves . Effecting Self-esteem issues for women sometimes of not feeling as beautiful and not to compare themselves with other females who look ideally thin and more beautiful. Cited sources as follows: (Cilvilbiliberty about. com/od/abortion/a/abortion2012. htm) (http://www. typepad. com/services/trackback/6a00d8341c7a9753ef0168ea9b7cdb970c) (Sabato) (Sabato)sexucalityhttp://www. policymic. com/articles/4439/are-women-in-the-media-only-

Friday, August 16, 2019

Economics of Education Essay

This project, critically reviews the sources of revenue at Kinondoni Municipal along with the budgetary allocation to secondary educational sector. It provides the major sources of revenue which include Central Government revenue, Basket fund (Donors) and Local government revenue which constitute revenue from city service levy, property tax, advertising and bill boarding fees, compensation revenue, and cost sharing. It identifies that education is the priorities to which the council does consider much in allocating their funds. The project reveals the background on the system of financing education as an essential and critical kind of investment in developing countries particularly Tanzania. It has shown its significances with respect to running the system (government) in general. The significances give the stand to which the Government should take into consideration on allocating funds in secondary educational department. More over the project has identified the objectives for analyzing the sources of revenue and educational budgetary allocation. These objectives have been stated in such a way that, it shows the directory as guidelines for reaching targeted goal(s) for sustainable development. Nevertheless, case study method and documentary review as well as interview techniques were employed. The data have been analyzed using tables and figures. 1.0. Introduction and Background. Kinondoni Municipal is located in Dar es Salaam City in Tanzania. It is bordered by Indian Ocean to North East, Ilala Municipal to the South, Bagamoyo District to the North, Kibaha District to the West and Kisarawe District to the South West. The Municipal has number of matters and services to be done/ provided to the community. Among others being education, health services, road construction and maintenances, water services, urban agriculture, power and energy supply and others of alike. All these services need money to run in effective way so that, the community members could appreciate the concern of the government for their well-being. The Municipal has vision and Mission which the study was interested with, to check out whether are just worded or are real in practical terms. The study eyed particularly to its Mission statement â€Å"Provision of quality services to the community through effective and efficient use of resources, capacity building, good governance and rule of law hence improve the living standard of people†. The project (study) was done at this Municipal to identify the sources of revenue for the Municipal to curter and serve the community effectively and efficiently. Another purpose was to check out, how the Municipal allocate its funds (Revenue) to secondary educational sector. A source of revenue is a critical problem in running several activities to an individual, family, community and national level respectively. Moreover, despite the scarcity of fund (resources) in servicing the community, there is a problem on proper plans and allocating the present resources in optimal manner. Thus, the wise decisions on how to use the present resources in its scarcity is very important particularly for developing countries like Tanzania. Another aspect towards this study (project) was to determine the way the sources of revenue are collected. On this activity, it is the point at which monitoring of revenue collection should be taken into consideration for effective performance. Furthermore, this exercise needs humanitarian aspiration than personal essence so that, the fruits will be for the community as large. There are two significances of doing this project. First was to determine the sources of revenue to the Municipal in order to understand the position of Municipal and the Government in general in its strengths and weaknesses so as to address recommendations to be taken for better performance in future. Second was to assess the allocation of the funds in secondary educational sector. From this, allocation of fund will realize the choices for most of the councils in Tanzania and the way investment aspects are taken into account especially educational investment, hence improvements to be made in a long run. The objectives of this project were as follows i) To determine the sources of revenue for Kinondoni Municipal. ii) To assess the budget allocation to Secondary educational sector in Kinondoni Municipal. The project presents various literature reviews in respective to the study (project). The literature review is mostly on sources of revenue, financing systems, administration, roles of the state and recommended suggestions. Galabawa (1985, p. 1) claimed that, â€Å"Tanzania’s plan for extending educational opportunities and improving the quality of education are often hampered by the limited resources to educational industry†. This realizes that, the problem resources in provision of education in Tanzania is a problem that exists and needs a solution on how to go about in order to reduce the burden from the government to ensure more educational opportunities and improve the quality of education. More emphasis on quality of education has been described by Michaelowa. The author tried to identify the areas which need to be checked to ensure that are taken into considerations for the consequences in anyhow. The author argued that, â€Å"The number of days teachers are absent from school (ABSENCE), and teachers’ self reported job satisfaction (MOTIVATION) have significant coefficients of the expected negative and positive sign respectively† (Michaelowa, 2001, p. 1707). If the education industry is running short of resources to improve access and quality of education, and if the responsible persons needs to be motivated for effective teaching, means this industry need to be financed. The financing can be determined by number of factors as quoted from the article that, â€Å"The policies of financing education in any country reflect the country’s ideology. Although Tanzania’s education policies emphasized quality of opportunity and access, they also vary from environment prevailing at specific time† (Galabawa, 1994, p. 37) This literature review has contributed much on this project since objectives stated can be revealed particularly on sources of revenue. According to Galabawa (2007, p. 3), There are various sources of education revenue. These sources can be divided into four broad categories: Fiscal sources; ser charges including various forms of cost recovery and cost sharing; student loan when constituted as a revolving fund which generates income out of which loans are offered to students and various forms of community contributions. The fiscal sources include general taxes; earmarked taxes; taxes on With regards to education as an investment, and sources of educational revenue, the government has to play its role for sustainable development Galabawa (2007, p. 2) portrayed that, â€Å"The price of education can, therefore be influenced by the government decision which impinge on issues of supply of education services; the allocation and distribution of resources between different levels or different courses; the choice between different methods of financing education and student support or even between different methods of schooling†. Therefore, this clarifies the position of the Government in provision of education in the country to assure access and proper allocation of funds in different sectors. Property; salaries and sales; and different types of levies. For all matters being discussed concerning sources of revenue, educational revenue, budgetary allocation and the role of the government on educational investments and other sector, to have sustainable implementation of plans and to build capacity on fund management, accountability, effective audit and formula funding to generate consistent and reliable disbursements† should be taken into consideration for sustainable development. Besides literature review, case study was employed during the project. The study was done in Kinondoni Municipal. Therefore purposeful sampling technique was used. The project had two variables namely, dependent variable which is budget allocation, and independent variable which is source of revenue. With these variables the hypotheses of this project were as follows; (i) There is a significant relationship between sources of revenue and budget allocation in secondary educational sector (Alternative hypothesis). (ii) There are no basic criteria guiding for sources of revenue and budget allocation in secondary educational sector (Null hypothesis). Field visit, discussion and interview. The list of tools used to collect information and guide the field interview and discussion were documentary review and Interview. The targeted personnel were Municipal economist and district secondary educational officer; these were obtained using purposeful sampling in order to get correct information. The documentary review involved reviewing various documents concerning sources of revenue and general allocation (budget) of the fund to secondary educational sector. Also an interview was conducted in brief way with the Municipal economist and district secondary educational officer. The interview was basically on the way they get fund for running the Municipal to curter and serve the community. Moreover, the questions on what are the major criteria for allocating the fund and challenges they face on all matters concerning sources of revenue and allocation of fund in general were asked.