Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Aristotle's Physics 2.1 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Aristotles Physics 2.1 - Term Paper interpretery of four motions in Metaphysics with Platos philosophy of forms in order to illustrate the difference amidst the philosophies of the two, showing the important evolutionary link between the ideals. Where the fundamental rules and laws of Nature (Physics) operate through a logic and reason that is pre-determined in the metaphysical, we can trace this concept in Western theory to the teachings of Aristotle, viewing their reflection in the scientific method and democratic system of government as foundational to our lives, realities, and understanding.The outset question I will address is the conception of nature as a kind of cause in Physics 2.1 which can be illustrated in the following quote by Aristotle Some of the things-that- atomic number 18 atomic number 18 by nature (phusei), but others are due to other causes diallas aitias e.g. artifacts. In Aristotles philosophy, which forms the basis of classical humanism, there is a fun damental duality between Physics, the substantial world and the logic of its operation, and Metaphysics, what is beyond the material world and exists only in the mind- the world of ideas, concepts, and mental events- also containing a logic of operation. Aristotle treats these subjects in divergent works, so to focus on Physics without attending to his ideas in Metaphysics would not give us a complete view of his overall philosophy. The critical point here is to focus on how the terms are being translated from the ancient Greek, for in this case Aristotle is not introducing Nature as we understand it, meaning the pictorial world, the environment, creation, etc. as a kind of cause, he is introducing a type of essence or substantive identity as cause through phusei. When we consider nature as cause in the consciousness it is posited by Aristotle, we should perhaps translate it as natural essence or original essence to take closer to the meaning the philosopher intended, which is also related to characteristic
Monday, April 29, 2019
Product management- product portfolio and recommendations Essay
Product management- product portfolio and recommendations - Essay ExampleCustomers can face for a hotel using filters such as the city, airport, address or point of interest. Also, they can state the dates that they would homogeneous to call up these hotels. Then, they choose their rates from a drop-down menu. Finally, they click on Find a Hotel button, which generates the results based on the filters (Ayeh 2015).IHG has done a brilliant argument with its website. However, most customers today use social media more than seek engines and websites to look for information and advice. IHG has a Facebook page with 83,865 likes. However, with a company as large as itself, IHG does non frequently modify its Facebook page. For example, its last update was on 8th June in which they talked about their service week. Also, or so pieces of information are not relevant to the customer. For instance, the next update after the service week intelligence was on May 7th, in which the company h ad announced its Q1 Interim Management Statement. Most customers do not care about such information. All they want to know is what services they provide get when they visit one of IHGs hotels (Aluri 2015).The trend seen in Facebook can also be seen on Twitter. One update was made fourteen hours ago, the next on June 12th, June 8th and so on. Although the company does a better job with Twitter than Facebook, it does not appeal to the vanity or ego of the customer. What IHG fails to do consistently is tell its customers what they will experience by visiting the hotels. Moreover, the company does not segment its customers based on the many filters available. For example, IHG boasts its posture in approximately one hundred countries. However, people from one country do not expect the same tastes as people from other countries. Therefore, the same marketing methods cannot be used. Moreover, with customers shifting to social media, it is exacting that IHGs social media pages be segmen ted based on the geography of
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Hamlet's antic disposition. Is his madness feigned or real Research Paper
junctures antic disposition. Is his folly feigned or real - Research Paper ExampleThe spontaneity of the act that he puts on seems, at a later stage, to have led commentators on the play to have thought that his was not an act in the first place. His disavowal of what later we realize was a true love for Ophelia, is unmatchable of the incidents in the play that are cited to damn Hamlet as insane. The vision of the ghost, whatever say, seems to be a vision of a softheadedman, who has been deranged by the finis of his father and what seems to him a betrayal by his mother. These, for some critics are also validated by his musings on the very nature of death during the graveyard scene. twin with a suicidal tendency, these musings of one of Shakespeares most famous characters leads not an insignificant number of critics to opine that his secern of mind is not one of sanity. All of these, however, can be refuted if one is to look at the play from another perspective. Hamlet, G. Wi lson Knight says, presents an antithesis to what the Danish court stands for, life. Whether this is a result of his direct encounter with death is unclear. However, his musing on death and his rejection of Ophelia are instances where he rejects the vital activities of life. He contemplates suicide, another instance of his horror for the life and vitality that are represented by the other members of the court. Knight affirms the essential righteousness of the aims of Hamlet. divest of his rights and parental love, Hamlet is morally superior to Claudius who has murdered his own brother out of love for the feces and for Gertrude. However, Hamlet remains in Knights words, a negation of life (Knight 187). It is this distance from vitality that places Hamlet in a position where he appears to be insane. To make my point clearer, I shall make a reference to Michel Foucaults theories of insanity. Foucault saw insanity as a deviation from the normal codes of society. It is, according to hi m, a means employed by the so-called sane society to define itself, that is, it serves as a frame of touchstone for mainstream society (Foucault). Hamlet, here is such a severe contrast to the life-affirming but wicked Claudius and the absolute majority of the other characters that are faithful to him, that he appears to be an aberration. This has been construed as insanity by many. However, this would be to state that in some way or the other, Hamlet can be seen as a mad person. This does not present the facts in a true light. The standard, against which Hamlets behavior seems to be a deviation from the norm, is that of the Danish court. However, the moral values that Hamlet employs are those of Renaissance humanism (Kettle 238). Hamlet is a highly educated person. His values are shaped by the dominant ideology of the time, humanism, which talked active the efficiency of man to rise to interminable heights which were unthought-of before. Seen in this context, the very pessimis m that we had attributed to Hamlet seems to be an rosy attitude that has seen through the facade of the Danish court. The baseness of the king and his followers rankles Hamlet, one who has recognized the infinite potential of man. What Marcellus unwittingly says about the condition of Denmark , Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (1.4. 90) is exactly what Hamlet feels about the state of his homeland. It is against this backdrop that Hamlet appears to be ins
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Workplace negotiation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Work go down negotiation - Research Paper ExampleThe success of negotiations in the workplace is usu entirelyy depended on the willingness of the parties to arrive to commonly accepted solutions, meaning that the decisions made should respond to the interests of all participants. The corporate negotiate systems have been introduced in order to help towards the improvement of communication between employers and employees referring to twain the private and the public sector (Adams 1999). However, the to a higher place target is not always achieved. In this way, the value of incarnate negociate, as a tool for communication/ cooperation in regard to the employers and the employees rights is reduced. The reasons for the failure of statutory collective bargaining systems in promoting collective bargaining argon presented and analyzed in this paper. Reference is made, as indicative examples, to both Anglo-Saxon countries, US and Australia. It is proved that the statutory collective bargaining systems in countries with common legal purlieu are likely to present similar weaknesses the characteristics of a countrys legal framework are therefore of critical importance for the prospects of the particular countrys statutory collective bargaining systems (Davidov 2004). ... This situation is revealed in the Wagner Act of 1935, the legislative text incorporating the criteria for the establishment and the expansion of collective bargaining in USA. The above Act has a critical weakness it emphasizes on the process of establishing a relationship between the Union and the worker meaning that the employees recognize a particular union as their representative in the bargaining process and on ensuring that the bargaining process begins (Cox et al. 1950, p.389). No reference is made to the principles or the methodologies on which the collective bargaining process will be based. In this way, it is possible that violations of the rights of either of the parties are taken p lace since no standards or requirements are set for the development of the process (Cox et al. 1950, p.389). The above phenomenon is, still today, a winder characteristic of the collective bargaining process in USA showing the gaps of the legislation in the item field. In accordance with Cox et al. (1950) the above trend could be possibly explained by the following detail since their appearance, unions have managed to increase their power. In fact, the growth of unions has been continuous and impressive causing strong pressures to the markets globally. For this reason, it is implied that no harbour is required to the collective bargaining process, as a procedure in progress rather, emphasis should be made on the protection of the process as a tool for communication between employers and employees. In other words, since trade unions exist in a particular country and since the access of employees to them is secured, then no further action should be taken for the promotion of union ism and collective bargaining. This is the idea on which the
Friday, April 26, 2019
Information Searches Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Information Searches - inquiry Paper ExampleSome of the obtains that entail low meshing decisions are do without any forward though or planning and involve impulse vitiateing. Medium interest involves contain problem answer where the consumers already have some information about a good or a armed service and the continue searching for more information.Most of high involvementpurchases are not often purchased but are very(prenominal) vital to the consumer. Marketers should provide complete information concerning the attributes of the product. The marketers should withal consider pricing their products in a flair that will entice the consumers into making a purchase decision. Medium involvement is the kind of involvement that falls between high involvement and low involvement purchasing decisions. This kind of medium involvement involves limited problem solving where the consumers already have some information about a good or a service and the continue searching for mor e information. High involvement purchases involve a litter of risks to the buyers if at all they fail and they are complex in nature and have high monetary value tags. Some of the examples of high involvement purchases include a ho occasion, a car and insurance policy. Most of these purchases are not often purchased but are very vital to the consumer. While making a purchase decision, a buyer engages in an extended problem solving where they take a lot of meter comparing different features, i.e. the feature of the prices, products and warranties. Every marketer has to analyze and consider the buying behavior of the customers thereof before making any decision one has to consider the consumers level of involvement so as to come up with the sales strategy. As in the case of low involvement purchases, the marketers should use sales and promotion as a strategy since this will spur them into making purchase decisions. As discussed earlier, low involvement purchasers always make impuls e buying therefore appealing sales promotions motivates them to buy more of the companys products and services. Furthermore, the use of sales promotions like use of coupons can reach may customers at the same time therefore spurring into making a purchase decision. On the new(prenominal) hand, the marketers should also consider pricing their products in a manner that will entice the consumers into making a purchase decision. The company should also ensure that are low involving are available in almost outlets as much as possible For, the case of medium involvement purchasers, most of them are considering the alternatives of the products. judgment the choices made by this group assists the marketers in coming up with a sales strategy. Medium involvement consumers are in the third stage of evaluation of the alternatives before a purchase decision. The marketers should provide enough information about the product and its attributes. They should provide more of the advantages of the product or a service so as to entice the consumer into making a purchase decision. The customers who fall into the category of high involvement should be handled with a lot of care since they tend to make more and lengthy decisions before making a purchase. Since any purchase made by consumer requires extensive information, marketers should develop a strategy that is tailor made for this group. For example, when it comes into buying a car, the marketer must employ in broad problem solving techniques and also be willing to consider different types of trade names. Since buying a car involve high involvement, brand name is very important for them. This is the reason as to why most of the manufacturers of those goods that require high involvement decisions cannot become satisfied about the value of their brands and
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Issues In Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Issues In Policing - Essay ExampleThe justice department issues a directive that the so called spoilt apple syndrome whereby we blame the problems plaguing the police force on a few bad elements is misguided. Consent decrees expect that police are held accountable for their actions whether they are at work or anywhere else. They can likewise be referred to as settlement agreements, take on judgments or stipulated agreements.A consent decree originates from an order abandoned by a judge, which expresses a voluntary agreement by all the individuals involved in a lawsuit or case. Consent decrees arise when the participating parties want to avoid a court psychometric test. appeal trials can be long, tiresome and expensive, however, consent decrees are issued because of their ability to obtain results are similar to a court trial (The United States Department of Justice, 2014). Consent decrees can also arise due to the interest reasons. There are no financial costs incurred (legal fees) because both parties forgo a trial. A trial is unpredictable, and both parties try to avoid the uncertainties surrounding a court trial. It is good because the necessity of proof and wickedness is not required. Consent decrees are mostly favored because the parties involved prevail control over the bettering plan. They allow both parties to decide on how best to remedy their issues. Consent decrees allow them to implement their agreements voluntarily rather than by force, and since they hold the same outcome as a court trial, any edit out for the decree is seen more as a violation of the law. It is because the parties involved are bound by the consent decree.A pattern of practice refers to a lawsuit. It is whereby a plaintiff attempts to show that the accused individual(s) or suspects have systematically engaged in prejudiced activities. The plaintiff must provide proof to show that the defendants behavior forms a pattern within the routine practices (Pallitto & Weaver, 2 007). Discriminatory activities
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 55
History - Essay ExampleSpaniards feared much and credit dawned on them that the time was not far off, when they would be thrown out. Nevertheless, they continued their vigilance in the in use(p) territory. Spain authorities attacked the Pueblo from two ends, economic and religious. Spanish officials hale Pueblos to conform to the economically imbalanced encomienda and repartimiento systems, under which Pueblos were forced to pay tribute to the Spanish government. In addition, the Franciscans set up a series of missions among the Pueblos with the expectation that they would cast off their religious beliefs for Christianity. (New Mexico) They were proved wrong.The Franciscans wished to retain their presence, when the economic schedule of the Spanish authorities failed to deliver the results. The religious agenda was supported with financial grants from the Government funds. The religious agenda too failed soon. When the Spanish Pueblo individuals were persecuted on religious groun ds, it caused secret resentment. On 10th August 1680, they faced a sudden assault from the combined might of Pueblo. point though the plot was uncovered by the Spaniards a day before the attack, Pueblos fared well and more than quaternion hundred (New Mexico)Spaniard settlers were annihilated besides, twenty-one Franciscans(New Mexico) were murdered. Many Pueblos also died in the operation.To sum up some of the factors that could be listed for the revolt, were draught, intertribal warfare, famine and the highhandedness of the authorities and above all the commitment of the Pueblos to their native religious belief
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Formulation of Strategy and Its Effects on Organizational Structure Essay
Formulation of Strategy and Its Effects on Organizational Structure - Essay ExampleIf the schema is effective, it would result in an efficient systemal grammatical construction and the brass instrument would be able to achieve its goals successfully. Therefore, the following discussion takes into account the fact that the grooming of strategy takes precedence over the determination of structure of the organization. FORMULATION OF STRATEGY Formulation of strategy is highly historic for the success of an organization. If an organization puts the right effort in the process of formulation of strategy, it would be able to contrive an effective strategy and thus the organization would reap long term benefits on the basis of that strategy. accord to Lamb (1984), strategic attention is a continuous process that controls and evaluates the business undertaken by the organization, evaluates the potential of its competitors of the organization, and it specifies goals and strategies fo r the organization in order to enable it to face the threats pose by the competitors, and then re-evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the strategy on a periodic basis. Strategic management also assumes the responsibility of determining whether the strategy requires every modification due the change in the external environment of the entity. The initial stage of strategy formulation is the determination of a mission statement for the organization. ... zation conducts an internal and external analysis of the entity in order to prise the threats posed to the organization by its environment and the opportunities that the organization possesses. One of such analyses is known as devise analysis which considers the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization. SWOT analysis is used to assess the effectiveness of an already implemented strategy as well (Armstrong et al 2009). This analysis is highly important for the strategic core of an organization as it provides vituperative information regarding the environment in which the organization operates. By having such information, the management would be able to forge such competitive strategy that would help the organization survive in the diligence amidst the competition posed by its competitors. Internal analysis of an organization includes the evaluation of the resources possessed by the organization and the internal processes of an organization. The management evaluates the resources possessed by the organization as compared to other organizations in the industry. If the organization possesses a resource that is addressable to that and that organization only, it shtup be given the status of the competitive advantage of the organization. Competitive advantage of an organization is a resource or a quality acquired by an organization that helps it survive in the industry notwithstanding the size and potential of its competitors. If the competitive advantage of an organization i s identified, the strategic core of the organization can design the strategy in such a manner that it capitalizes over the potential of the organizations competitive advantage. Competitive advantage of an organization may be the distinct quality of its products, a engine room
The Future of Electronic Money ( case 1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Future of Electronic Money ( case 1) - Essay ExampleThere argon many viewpoints on whether study funds should be all told eliminated. However, it would seem fair to suggest that newspaper publisher money will still have a number of uses and it would be impractical to rely completely on electronic forms of money. This is because of the problems that are generally associated with information technology, such as power failures and database overloads, which could cause a break in the system and would in that respectfore necessitate the use of paper money (Khilawala, 2011). It would be choppy to eradicate paper money completely whilst there is still a risk of these things happening.Paper money is also still popular with many. This is for a number of reasons. Firstly, if paper money were to be abolished, the government of that fact country would have to sell assets to soak up the unwanted notes and coins (Rogoff, 2002, p2). It would mean a movement from the non-interest attribu te debt (cash) to interest holding debt (electronic money), which is an unappealing prospect for any government. The public also seem to have an unsated demand for paper money, with the main reason for this popularity being the anonymity of cash. This is useful for those committing money-based crimes, but also appeals to the naive as well for a number of different reasons. It has been suggested that when the government is able to identify the holders of cash utilise DNA techniques, electronic money may then become as popular as paper money (Rogoff, 2002). Conversely, this does mean that electronic money may be more(prenominal) useful for crime-detection.Despite this, there are a number of reasons why paper money is problematic. Governments may print off more paper money in anticipation of certain events as a way of controlling the rescue (Jakobsson & Yung, 1996), but if this prediction is wrong then it may cause issues and as a
Monday, April 22, 2019
Analysis the center character Iago and what he does to destroy Othello Essay
outline the center character Iago and what he does to destroy Othello in William Shakespeares drama the tragedy of Othello, the moor of Venice - Essay drillHe does this because Cassio is the officer that Othello promoted. Iago decides that by doing this, he will make Othello loose favor with the rest of the phalanx personnel. He wants to not only have revenge but also to make sure that Othello is frame from his position. He sets out to discredit Othello and also to discredit Michael Cassio, the man that was promoted.The interesting aspect of this play is that Iago is a main character that is juxtaposed with Othello as a main character and he is more cardinal than other characters. The reason he is important is because he continually looks for ways to make Othello more jealous. As he does this, he is also plotting against him for his own possible gain (more implied than spoken). Iago is evil it seems and can be seen as a worm tongue because he is constantly trying to discredit Ot hello and Cassio. He does a salient job of doing this for Othello because he understands that jealousy makes Othello vulnerable. In fact, so vulnerable that he relies on what Iago says instead of audition to Desdemona as she explains to him that she is not involved with anyone except him. This does not set well for him because he believes Iago and decides that his wife is lying. wholly of this happens because Iago has taken a handkerchief that was found by Emilia, his wife, and he plants the handkerchief in Cassios room. When he brings this to Othellos attention, Othellos persuasion is clouded for the rest of the play. He eventually will kill his wife and then himself because the same is more than too difficult for him.Iago manipulates Othello in many ways. He begins by suggesting to him that Desdemona may need to be watched because at that place are other suitors for her to pick from around the castle. Othello is not unlike other people in the globe in that once he has the s eeds of doubt and infidelity into his mind,
Sunday, April 21, 2019
GOVT 480-DB4 Replies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
GOVT 480-DB4 Replies - Essay ExampleWere it not for the negligence of the leadership, and their unwillingness to establish peaceful relationship, the dickens countries could have peaceful coexistence. Currently, as you argue, the situation at the west bank is the main reason for the tautness and animosity facing the two countries. Further, you point out that with the United States supporting Israel with both finances and munition makes the situation even worse. With the issues taking drastic twists and turns, whet is the likelihood of there being peace surrounded by the two countries. Although the bible insists on peaceful co-existence, considering the history facing the two countries, is there whatever chess opening that if peace would last, in case they were to assume peaceful coexistence?According to your argument, biblically, the region occupied by Israel and promised land was the Promised Land, one that God directed Abraham to leave his home and start a new life. In the geezerhood that followed, when the French and the British came into the region, they subdivided the region into different areas. Could this have been the main reason why the two regions started locomote apart? Since the two people keep on fighting on who should take control of the region, would this introduce the solution in restoring peace in the region? The United States in various occasions, you indicate, has tried to make peace in the two warring countries. In all these instances, the talks have failed top offspring fruits. Other arguments hold that the United States supports Israel with finances and weapons, yet it sends delegations in these peace talks. With such confusion, is there any future in restoring peace between these two troubled
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Vulnerable Population Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Vulnerable Population - Research Proposal Examplethe highest teen brook rate in the country (63.4 per 1,000) in 2005, closely followed by states Texas and new-fangled Mexico at 61.6 each New Hampshire had the lowest teen birth rate (17.9). The theme states in 2006, the overall birth rate for 15 to 19 year-old females was 41.9, butSo, why are the statistics for adolescent maternity in the US more than near other countries like Canada, UK or Sweden where teens are considered to be more sexually active? In concomitant there are more reasons than one (Strasburger, 2006).The youth today are not educated rough birth control in their sex education classes. Parents are uncomfortable to discuss it with their children at foundation even the media does not help much in promoting the concept of safe sex. Those countries which are more vocal about the issue are rewarded with low cases of unwanted pregnancy and STDs (sexually transmitted disease).Research has shown that main causes of im mature pregnancy comprise the lack of a sense of personal responsibility, immaturity, and most importantly being absent about the outcome of sexual intercourse. An interesting fact is that the decision to indulge in sexual action at law is a complicated one, influenced by family, peers, religion, and individual behavior. In most cases, teenage pregnancy has close link with poverty, limited education and employment opportunities.Being underage, teenagers often face earthshakingly higher complications both during pregnancy and delivery. This may include biological immaturity or complications associated with poor preconception health and antenatal care. So, when teens bring about pregnant or contract an STD, they, their children, and society at large often pay a significant price, both in human and in monetary terms, according to Douglas Kirby (2007). Here are some statistics from his hold that reiterate this factRoughly half (47 percent ) of all high school students in the U.S. report having sex at least once, and close to two-thirds (63
Friday, April 19, 2019
USA in the 21st century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
USA in the 21st century - Essay ExampleAdditionally, the development of thermonuclear weapons and the need to gain founding wealth has necessitated many states to be more involved in fight to show their might against other states. Many nations argon try to survive in a existence dominated by military superpower and technological development of nuclear weapons. Although, the nations claim existence of commonwealth and that international relations can be enhanced there are nations that advocate ruling the wait of the world through the wealth and military power. Any nation that tries to compete with the superpowers is attacked indirectly. Therefore, the 21st century world is apt(predicate) to be dominated by wars in struggle for survival and supremacy. The 21st century is likely to be war prone because of the struggle for super powers among world nations. According to Mearshein, he came up with a number of assumptions that explain why the structure of international relations is made up of nations who obligate self-serving gains for their own states rather than to the world as a whole1. As a result, the great power nations al intimately the world seek for supremacy, maximum wealth, dominion over land and nuclear superiority. To gain their superpowers the great nations guard embarked on war, blackmail, bait and bleed, bloodletting, balancing and buck passing2. Mearshein came up with a number of assumptions explaining paths nations pursue to drive superpowers. The first reason is that the international relations is anarchic3. ... Even though states try to live in harmony, aggression against another state can originate from nowhere leading to war. This therefore, has necessitated most states to stay watchful and not to trust neighboring nations. Most nations strive for survival with diverse intentions in mind. The need for supremacy, wealth, military power and land has resulted to a number of cases of war. States that are continuing to grow in wealth than the superpowers are now involved in cold wars. States with nuclear weaponry mighty are also in disagreements with superpowers and wars whitethorn ensue any moment. The struggle is therefore, real with the super power nations wanting to remain superior, and other nations struggling to get to the level of super power nations. The 21st century is likely to be affected by war, because of the existence of fear in international politics. According to Tang, many states are faced with fear of the future5. Therefore, most states are striving for survival against the fear by leading in wars and being informed of what is hazard in other states. States around the world are uncertain of the intentions of other nations. They do not slam if they want to attack or if they are developing nuclear weapons. Thus, the uncertainty results to most states being alert and developing their military base, to ensure they are ready for any attacks that may take place. Moreover, most states have their own goals in ensuring they attain supremacy over other states. Nations only work together when they are faced with a common enemy. According to Tang, in international theory cooperation among nation state is dependable when the nations are facing a common enemy. Each state has its own personal gains when they advocate to be involved in war6. The
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Production and Cost Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Production and terms Relationships - Essay ExampleProfit is measured as the difference between the revenue generated deducted with the constitutes incurred. Thus, in ready to maximize profits, the fellowship could either ensure that it is generating the highest revenue possible by increasing determine and quantity demanded or minimize the woos that it incurs (Pindyck and Rubinfeld 2005). This paper testament focus on the latter. The following chapters will look at the relationship of average cost, marginal cost, and marginal product in the aim of support a blood line organization attain its goal of profit maximization.In the course of its operation, a tune organization incurs various costs in order to ensure that products are designed, manufactured, and distributed to customers (Cepeda 2005). In order to escort average match cost, it is best to have a comprehension of what comprises the total cost that a business organization faces. In general, the company is faced with two different costs which make up its total cost namely heady cost and variable cost (Brue and McConnell 2005). Fixed cost, as the name implies is fixed and does not vary with the level of proceeds. An example of fixed cost is the payment for rent of production lay out or retailing store. On the other hand, variable costs are those costs which changes when the quantity of production is changed (Cepeda 2005). Examples of these are the cost of materials and labor which are needed in the production of one unit of a product. The sum of the total fixed cost and the total variable cost is the total cost. Dividing the total cost with the number of quantity produced by the business organization will yield the average total cost (Brue and McConnell 2005).Table 1. Numerical Example for Average Total termsQuantityTotal Fixed CostTotal Variable CostTotal CostAverage Total Cost50$600$1250$1850$37100$600$2500$3100$31150$600$3750$4350$29200$600$5000$5600$28250$600$6250$6850$27.4 three hundred$ 600$7500$8100$27In order to illustrate fixed cost, it is best to come up with a numerical example. Suppose that a company manufactures figurines and incurs fixed cost as follows in a month $200 for building rent $300 for administrative expense and $100 for utilities. On the hand, it incurs the following variable cost per unit $10 deport material and $15 direct labor. The companys production capacity is 300 units per month. Table 1 shows the companys variable cost and fixed cost at each level of quantity produced. On the other hand, Figure 1 shows the short run average total cost deflect. It should be noted that as the quantity produced is increased, ATC declines because of economies of scale, managerial specialization, and use of more efficient labor. Figure 1. ATC Curve in the Short-runHowever, in the long run, ATC turn out will begin to inflect because of the diseconomies of scale as production expands further (Pindyck and Rubinfeld 2005). Thus, the long run ATC curve will tend to slope downward at first and begin to
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
US Marine Corps Combined Action Program in South Vietnam Article
US Marine Corps Combined treat Program in southeastward Vietnam - Article ExampleFrom this paper it is clear thatthe configuration of a colonization defense platoon is arrived upon combining a Marine squad with indigenous forces.This proved very effective in thwarting enemy forces security at the village level. CAP, which was first implemented during operations in South Vietnam, has withstood the test of time. Although there is no comprehensive statistical evidence to prove its effectiveness, first hand observations of force officers and subjective evaluations have assented to its utility. The successes met by American troops in later wars in regions such as Haiti, Bosnia, Somalia, etc, underscore CAP-style shapings relevance and usefulness.This study outlines thatthe CAP was a natural extension of the militant traditions that the US Marines excelled in. The US Marines have long understood how pacification of topical anesthetics and subsequent co-option to their cause drastica lly improves chances of success. A robust training program for the local recruits and provisions for their security greatly helped with administration of localities. The lustiness of the CAP concept is attested by its successful implementation in war experiences in Haiti, Nicaragua, the friar preacher Republic, etc during the last two centuries. CAP-style organization is especially applicable in regions where the opposition employs guerrilla warfare tactics. In this sense, the CAP concept can be construed as counter-guerrilla warfare.... The CAP organized the hamlet defense and lived in the hamlet on a 24-hour basis. Besides hamlet security, CAP teams provided the villagers medical care and assistance with hygiene and disease related problems. CAP teams also built simple structures and roads and conducted a variety of former(a) civic projects aimed at helping the race. The Marine pacification program was successful in screening the people from the VC and in large part insulating them from some of the corruption and abuses of the GVN. (Clark, 1990, p. 115) One of the early demonstrations of CAPs organization and operation was witnessed in August of 1965 in the Vietnam theatre. The unit assembled from 3rd Battalion of 4th Marines is a moorage in point. Led by Lt. Col. William W. Taylor in the Phu Bai area, the units Tactical Area of Responsibility (TAOR) cover half a dozen villages plus an airfield. Under pressure from enemy retaliation and realizing how thinly break his personnel are across the terrain, the Colonels executive officer forwarded a plan to include members of the local militia into the 3/4 units operations. After going up the ranks for evaluation and approval, the vestige was finally assented by major world(a) Lew Walt and Lieutenant General Victor Krulak. They foresaw how this concept could prove to be a force multiplier. It was upon their approval that General Nguyen Van Chuan of the local militia (Army of the Republic of Vietnam - ARVN) a greed to the co-operative arrangement. General Chuan gave General Walt control of local platoons in the Phu Bai jurisdiction. The results of the Phu Bai experiment encouraged further trials. The Marines instilled a combative, offensive tang in their counterparts and gave the militia a
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